Interview with Joshua Helman, MD

Dr. Joshua Helman is a Harvard-trained physician licensed in fourteen states. He has two degrees in Biochemistry, (bachelor's from Harvard magna cum laude and master's from the University of Cambridge, UK). He is Board Certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine and American Board of Lifestyle Medicine. His medical degrees are from Harvard Medical School and MIT. He is the former Medical Director of Hippocrates Health Institute, was on the TrueNorth Health Center research team and was affiliated with Sponaugle Wellness Institute. His areas of interest include vitality, longevity, toxins, mold, Lyme disease and fasting. He is passionate about applying his biochemical knowledge to real-world challenges. As a plant-based physician, he embraces an integrative approach including the importance of diet and lifestyle for optimal health.

To learn more about Dr. Josh visit:


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Interview #2 with Chief Freddie Fernandez, Miami Fire Rescue, Retired